Expert Interview
Understanding the impact of Eylea biosimilars on the wet-AMD market
Ticker(s): REGN, RHHBY, AMGNInstitution: Elman Retina Group
- Ophthalmologist in private practice
- Specializes in surgical and medical care of retinal and vitreous diseases, such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and edema, and retinal detachments; sees 200-300 patients a week
- Authored multiple research articles in leading ophthalmology journals, as well as retinal textbook chapters
Roughly how many patients do you manage with wet amd?
Added By: ben_adminHow many are on Eylea? Eylea HD?
Added By: ben_adminHow impactful has the approval of Eylea HD been on the treatment of your patients?
Added By: ben_adminHave you prescribed an Eylea biosimilar? If not why?
Does an Eylea biosimilar from a large company like Amgen make it more appealing?
Added By: ben_adminAre You Interested In These Questions?
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