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Slingshot members are conducting a survey! The topic is:

Quarterly Survey: Narcolepsy & Oxybate Treatments including Avadel’s Lumryz October 2024


Who's being surveyed?

The survey results include 20 physicians that treat Narcolepsy.

Survey Questions

How many patients with Narcolepsy are under your care?


How many patients with Narcolepsy do you have on an Oxybate drug (Xyrem, Xywav, Lumryz) right now?


How many Narcolepsy patients do you currently have on the following treatments (please do not count IH patients in the figures below):

  • Xyrem branded:
  • Xyrem generic:
  • Xywav:
  • Lumryz:


Of the [X] patients you currently have on Lumryz, how many of them: If 0 pts currently on Lumryz, please list 0 for both.

  • Are switches from Xyrem/Xywav?
  • Are new Oxybate starts?


Of the [X] narcolepsy patients who are currently on an Oxybate:

  • How many of those are NT1?
  • How many of those are NT2?


Of the existing patients you currently have on Xyrem (both branded and generic) or Xywav, how many do you expect to switch to Lumryz (and stay on after switching) over the following time periods?

  • Within the next 6 months:
  • Within the next year/12 months:
  • Within the next 2 years:


Of the patients you have who had been on Xyrem or Xywav for at least a year and who attempted a switch from Xyrem or Xywav to Lumryz, please indicate the following:

  • What % of those attempted switches end up staying on Lumryz 6 months after they switched?
  • What % of those attempted switches end up switching back to Xyrem/Xwyav within 6 months?


How many total patients do you expect to have on Lumryz at the following points in time (please account for new-to-oxybate starts, switches from Xyrem or Xywav, and drops):

  • 3 months from now:
  • 6 months from now:
  • 1 year from now:
  • 2 years from now:
  • 5 years from now:


Looking ahead, over the next year, how many narcolepsy patients that you put on an oxybate drug for the first time do you expect to put on the following drugs:

  • Xywav:
  • Xyrem Brand:
  • Xyrem Generic:
  • Lumryz:


Please describe patient satisfaction with Lumryz compared to Xyrem or Xywav?


What are the biggest barriers, if any, that are holding back adoption of or persistence on Lumryz?


Is patient uptake of Lumryz better or worse than you would have expected at the beginning of 2024?


Is the ease of prescribing and insurance acceptance of Lumryz better or worse than you expected at the beginning of 2024?


To what extent have you attempted to and/or succeeded with prescribing Lumryz on an off-label basis for Pediatric use or IH? Please elaborate.


Do you think having a 1x nightly dosing option with Lumryz will significantly increase the overall use of oxybate treatments in your practice?

  • Yes
  • No


Why or why not? And if so, by how much? Please be specific.


How many narcolepsy patients do you expect to have on an oxybate drug over the following time periods?

  • 1 year
  • 3 years
  • 5 years


On a scale 1-10 (where 1 is low and 10 is high) how excited are you about the potential benefits of Lumryz for your patients with narcolepsy?


How familiar are you with the emerging science and data on the Orexin agonists in general and on TAK860 and ALKS2680 specifically and how well or not they are likely to become compelling drugs to treat NT1 or NT2 in the next 5 years?


How many of the [X] NT1 patients on oxybate will go to Orexin Monotherapy and drop the oxybate after Orexins enter the market for NT1 (presumably TAK860)?
/Displayed if familiar/

  • In 1 year:
  • In 3 years:
  • In 1 year:
  • In 3 years:

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