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Expert Interview

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Showcasing Cabaletta Bio's Progress: Insights into the Phase 1/2 RESET Trials for CABA-201

Ticker(s): CABA

Who's the expert?

A rheumatologist or immunologist specializing in autoimmune diseases, particularly those treated with CAR T cell therapies. The expert should be knowledgeable about the latest advancements in gene therapy and the significance of innovative treatments in improving patient outcomes.

Interview Questions

The RESET-Myositis and RESET-SLE trials reported no serious adverse events, CRS, ICANS, or infections in the first two patients treated with CABA-201. Can you elaborate on the significance of this safety profile for the future of CAR T cell therapies in autoimmune diseases?

Added By: slingshot_admin

Both patients showed complete B cell depletion by day 15 post-infusion. How does this early and profound B cell depletion correlate with the potential efficacy of CABA-201 in treating autoimmune conditions?

Added By: slingshot_admin

The IMNM patient experienced a significant decline in creatinine kinase and a total improvement score (TIS) of 30 at week 12. How do these clinical improvements compare to traditional treatments for IMNM?

Added By: slingshot_admin

The SLE patient showed an improvement in the SLEDAI-2K score from 26 to 10 at week 4. What does this rapid improvement indicate about the potential of CABA-201 for managing systemic lupus erythematosus?

Added By: slingshot_admin

The study observed CAR T cell expansion peaking at day 15 post-infusion. How important is the magnitude and timing of CAR T cell expansion in predicting the long-term success of this therapy?

Added By: slingshot_admin

Immature, naive B cell repopulation was observed in the IMNM patient at week 8. Can you discuss the implications of this finding for the concept of immune system reset and its potential benefits?

Added By: slingshot_admin

With 18 sites open and recruiting across the four Phase 1/2 RESET trials, what challenges and opportunities do you foresee in accelerating patient enrollment and expanding the trials?

Added By: slingshot_admin

Given the promising initial results, what are the next steps for the RESET clinical program, and how might these developments impact the broader landscape of treatments for autoimmune diseases?

Added By: slingshot_admin

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