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Expert Interview

Slingshot members are talking to an expert! The topic is:

Exploring the current treatment landscape and the future direction of available NASH specific drugs with the introduction of GLP-1 agonists


Who's the expert?

Institution: Western University

  • Associate Professor of Medicine at the Division of Gastroenterology, and Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western University
  • Transplant hepatologist and clinical researcher with interest in clinical/translational research and epidemiology in alcohol-related disease and NAFLD
  • Published more than 150 peer-reviewed papers, co-authored several book chapters and delivered lectures on liver-related topics at national and international meetings

Interview Questions

Roughly how many patients do you currently manage with NASH?

Added By: dami_admin

Can we discuss the NASH landscape and this drug from TERN-501 had phase two data in August?

Added By: slingshot_insights

How do you see the impact of GLP-1s on the NASH market, especially with the introduction of weight loss drugs like Wegovys and Ozempics?

Added By: slingshot_insights

Do you think the introduction of bariatric surgeries didn't make much of an impact on obesity because it wasn't as widely adopted?

Added By: slingshot_insights

Do GLP-1s have a better chance to change the curve of obesity rates in the country compared to surgeries?

Added By: slingshot_insights

When discussing combination therapies, are you mainly referring to patients who have already developed NASH?

Added By: slingshot_insights

Looking 10 years from now, if reimbursement for GLP-1s gets sorted, what do you think the impact on NASH will be? Will we have more, the same, or fewer NASH patients?

Added By: slingshot_insights

Do you think the introduction of GLP-1s will reduce the addressable patient population for NASH-specific medications?

Added By: slingshot_insights

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