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Specialized nutrition supplement is associated with a 50 percent lower death rate in patients with heart or lung disease, Abbott's NOURISH study shows; the nutrition supplement evaluated in the study will be available this year in the US

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Clinical Data The primary composite endpoint was similar between HP-HMB (26.8%) and placebo (31.1%). No between-group differences were observed for 90-day readmission rate, but 90-day mortality was significantly lower with HP-HMB relative to placebo (4.8% vs. 9.7%; relative risk 0.49, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.27 to 0.90; p = 0.018). The number-needed-to-treat to prevent 1 death was 20.3 (95% CI: 10.9, 121.4). Compared with placebo, HP-HMB resulted in improved odds of better nutritional status (SGA class, OR, 2.04, 95% CI: 1.28, 3.25, p = 0.009) at day 90, and an increase in body weight at day 30 (p = 0.035). LOS and ADL were similar between treatments.
Additional Relevant Details Researchers compared the effects of a specialized nutrition supplement with high protein (20 grams), HMB* (a muscle-preserving ingredient) and Vitamin D to a placebo supplement on rates of readmissions or death 90-days after leaving the hospital.
Media/Analyst Viewpoint "The NOURISH study clearly reinforces the power of nutrition in impacting health outcomes. For the people in this study who were ill and malnourished, nutrition was critical to survival because it helps keep your body, especially your muscles, functioning properly," said Nicolaas E. Deutz, MD, PhD, Center for Translational Research in Aging & Longevity, Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University, and lead study author. "This is more proof that we need to change the standard and include nutrition as an integral part of care, much like flu shots or aspirin, to help older adults who already have or are at risk for malnutrition and chronic illness."
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Related Keywords Nutrition Supplement, Heart Disease, Lung Disease, Nourish, Hmb, Β-hydroxy Β-methylbutyrate, Ensure Plus Advance, Ensure Enlive